
Namlo Sabhung School Project

After our cycling adventure 7 of us (Jim, Gene, Dan, Tom, Josh and new adventurers Kim and Nick) are traveling on to a little village in Nepal to help local villagers reconstruct a dilapidated old school under the auspices of a charitable organization called Namlo.  The attached video provides a look at the school and village.  Namlo has a great program that uses US volunteers working alongside the villagers to help them help themselves improve their situation.  A few years ago Namlo and volunteers worked with the villagers to help them construct a new school.  It has been such a success that people from throughout the region are now sending their children to Sahbung to get an education and Namlo is also supporting adult education to improve the villagers’ (particularly the women’s) ability to earn a decent living, which isn’t much.  Anyway as a result they need more classrooms and it appears the fastest way to help is to renovate the old buildings.  Although we are paying our own way over there and while in the village, Namlo estimates the cost of supplies to get to this remote region of Nepal will be about $6000.  We and the villagers will of course provide the labor.

If you would like to help financially, we would be very appreciative as would Namlo, the villagers and the children.  It’s another great way to show the world how much Americans care and to do it on a personal level.  You can donate your tax deductable gift directly to Namlo on their website,   www.namlo.org  using your credit card through Paypal or by writing a check directly to Namlo and mailing it to their headquarters at,   Namlo International, Suite 200, 4105 East Florida Avenue, Denver, CO 80222.  Thank you for any help you can provide these people who are working hard to improve their lives and their children’s lives.  Best Wishes!