PS yesterday we had water buffalo and lemon merengue pie for dinner. Can you believe it?
Lots of local people come to help today – it is stucco day! We mix mortar volcano style on the rough concrete floor of the first room while the stucco guy wets the walls, throws mortar on them (!), and smoothes the finish. One of the four interior walls takes ALL DAY. We see this work stretching to infinity. A couple of us can keep him supplied with mortar, so the rest go on a walk to the next village. NAMASTEs all along the way, with kids adopting us to show their primary school, ending at a very nice temple deep in the jungle. Signs of a goat sacrifice during the Dashain Festival still in evidence. A local woman demonstrates millet grinding with her stone for video and gets a big boot out of seeing it played back!
We are energized by this walk and decide to lay the second room’s rough floor ourselves. The English teacher does the finish, and it works out fine.
Meanwhile after a day off, the carpenters return with a vengeance, finishing the roof structure and laying about ¾ of the metal. We are relieved to see this, since untimely rain would make a mess of concrete and stucco work going on.
At the end of the work day, we visit the Namlo weavers and seamstresses. Bought lots of great stuff!
Another trip to the community spring, dinner, and bed by about 8:30.